Heart Wisdom – Ep. 267 – Wise Speech, Speaking with Intention, Listening with Compassion

Exploring how compassionate speech and mindful listening can transform our lives, Jack shares how we can navigate culture’s web of lies by using the energy of Wise Speech to truly awaken.

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“[Wise Speech] is really about compassion—it’s being aware of the power of speech, and using it to express what is conscious and what brings freedom.” – Jack Kornfield

Exploring the third step of the Eightfold Path, Jack mindfully shares on:
  • Wise Speech / Right Speech as a factor of awakening
  • Compassion, non-harming, and embodying Buddha Nature
  • Ram Dass’s “Hopi-Hippie Be-In” and what it means to ‘speak the truth’
  • Navigating culture’s and advertising’s web of lies
  • Speaking from your deepest truth and knowing
  • Buddha and using the energy of speech to awaken
  • What it means to truly listen to another human being
  • Compassionate communication and listening
  • Discerning your intention and motivation when talking to people
  • Speaking like a Buddha and treasuring our speech
  • The simple pleasure of talking and communication
  • Using your words for justice, truth, love, and wisdom
  • Letting go of pride and needing to be right
  • A “Wise Speech” guided meditation
  • Chanting the seed syllable “Ah”

“The key to listening and speaking wisely is the intention—our intention to learn, to discover, to hear something that we haven’t understood.” – Jack Kornfield

“The possibility, if we are to live an awakened life, is to foster that speech that comes from our deeper knowing.” – Jack Kornfield

This Dharma Talk was recorded in 1992 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.
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