Heart Wisdom – Ep. 122 – Suffering Is Not the End of the Story

In this dharma talk, we explore how suffering is not the end of the story, but the beginning. The point of liberation is not to transcend this world, to find some peaceful bliss, to run away to some cave. The point of liberation is to see the mystery that’s here and now, the sense of the sacred, the imminence of life, and like the Buddha wandering the dusty roads of India, to discover that exactly where we are can also be the place of peace and Nirvana, of wellbeing.

When you sit and meditate, you find both the suffering, that part of the story, and the liberation from that suffering, the other part of the story. Our task is to love it all – because this is the end of the story. The end of the story is the loving heart, that this is who you are and this is what matters.

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