Jack Kornfield on Your Undivided Attention Podcast, Ep. 19
When you’re gripped by anxiety, fear, grief or dread, how do you escape? It can happen in the span of a few breaths, according to...
When you’re gripped by anxiety, fear, grief or dread, how do you escape? It can happen in the span of a few breaths, according to...
Tim Ferriss: “This episode is more of a personal therapy session for yours truly in some respects. You will notice that I sound anxious and...
The term “amravati” translates to “the deathless.” It is that which goes beyond birth and death. We, like the Buddhist monk’s, have the ability...
Dan Harris and I discuss how to use meditation to embrace uncertainty, the importance of getting in touch with your own “tainted glory,” and why...
Trudy Goodman, Duncan Trussell & Jack Kornfield discuss the coronavirus pandemic. April 10, 2020
If we cannot be happy in spite of our difficulties, what good is our spiritual practice? There is an unquenchable human spirit born anew in each...
One of the best things that we can do in difficult times like these is to go deep inside, deep into the timeless sense of...
In this episode we explore how the outer developments of humanity must be met with an inner development of consciousness. We talk about how meditation...
Rick Rubin and Jack discuss the pandemic and Jack leads two short meditations on Rick’s podcast “Broken Record.”
How can we live with a Bodhisattva heart in these hard times? You can choose to quiet your mind and tend your heart, and become...
“No matter how often I meditate, there are times when I struggle, and this week is one of them.”—Tim Ferriss
For this episode, we went back into the archives to just a few weeks after the events of 9/11 for a lesson on how we...