Always Look for the Helpers: Staying Steady and Hopeful Amidst Upheaval

Always Look for the Helpers

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” – Mr. Rogers

It’s true, difficult times call on our best spirit. We must remind ourselves that in uncertain times our own steadiness can become a sanctuary for others. Like the strings of a violin resonating with another being played in the nearby, our resonance of peaceful, stillness, and steadiness spreads out in every direction, touching the hearts of all beings near and far, that they might find a deeper quiet, a loving presence.

The children’s Bodhisattva, Mr. Rogers, describes how his mother taught him to see the disasters of the world in a new way. Instead of focusing just on the tragedy and loss, look for the helpers. Expand your gaze to take in all the people who are rushing in from all sides to offer their care, assistance, and support. Amidst the hard times let yourself see the wave of compassion that arises around the suffering—the human heart that can not be stopped.

Through aiming our attention and energy at the helpers, focusing on the lamp shining in the darkness, we begin to shift our whole being towards warmth and generosity. By embodying hope and compassion, we become the lamp, the guiding light for others and ourselves to remember the way back home to the wholeness of love in each of our hearts.

“When the crowded refugee boats met with storms or pirates, if everyone panicked, all would be lost. But if even one person remained calm and centered, it was enough. They showed the way for everyone to survive.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

No matter the outside circumstance, may you always find the helpers, remain steady amidst the stormy waves, find your way home to love, and shine brightly through the darkness.

With metta,

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