Stand Up For Compassion
We are living in wild times. I have been shocked and concerned by the ramifications of many of our new governmental policies. In the midst of...
We are living in wild times. I have been shocked and concerned by the ramifications of many of our new governmental policies. In the midst of...
The children’s Bodhisattva, Mr. Rogers, describes how his mother taught him to see the disasters of the world in a new way. Instead of focusing...
How can we live from the goodness of our hearts? Answering this question, Jack reflects on generosity, neuroscience, and spirituality.
Guilt and anger and fear are part of the problem. If you want to save the world, save it because you love it! —Gary Snyder...
Parenting is a labor love. It’s a path of service and surrender and, like the practice of a Buddha or bodhisattva, it demands patience and...
Years ago Ram Dass went to his guru, Neem Karoli Baba, to ask, “How can I best be enlightened?” His guru answered, “Love people.” When...
Freedom is not found in certainty, but in the wisdom that comes from seeing and embracing life as it is. Jack explores the different ways...
What attitude can we carry into a world of conflict and difficulty that will allow us to treasure and fully embody the work we do...
As we let go and still see others suffer, the heart fills with compassion. So much suffering is human-caused. We awaken to a poignancy and...
Several years ago some friends arranged for the Gyuto Tantric Choir, the Tibetan monks famous for their deep multivocal chanting, to perform in San Quentin...
When we are willing to rest with trust on this earth, the great force of life will begin to move through us. I saw this...