Self Love


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Awakening Love

The Buddha taught that we can develop loving-kindness by visualizing how a caring mother holds her beloved child. Love is our true nature, but it...

Wonderful, Messy Failure

We all face praise and blame, joy and sorrow, gain and loss. To have compassion for your human vulnerability is a blessed, tender practice. Poet...

Accepting One’s Quirky Personality

No matter how old a mother is, she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement. —Florida Scott-Maxwell Looking closely at personality and temperament is...

Happiness of Being

Japan’s most beloved Zen poet, Ryokan, was known for being unpretentious and wise. Like Saint Francis he was a lover of simple things, of children...

The Fix interviews Jack

An Interview with Jack featured in Have you worked with people struggling with substance and behavioral addictions? Over the years, many people struggling with...

Misconceptions About Selflessness

Misconceptions about selflessness and emptiness abound, and such confusions undermine genuine spiritual development. Some people believe that they can come to selflessness by struggling to...

A Meditation on Lovingkindness

This meditation uses words, images, and feelings to evoke a lovingkindness and friendliness toward oneself and others. With each recitation of the phrases, we are...

The Beginner's Guide to Forgiveness

Forgiveness is possible. On The Beginner’s Guide to Forgiveness, author Jack Kornfield explores why forgiveness, personally and globally, is essential to our health and happiness,...

Forgiveness Meditations

Forgiveness is an act of the heart, a movement to let go of the pain, the resentment, the outrage that you have carried as a...

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