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Stand Up For Compassion

We are living in wild times. I have been shocked and concerned by the ramifications of many of our new governmental policies. In the midst of...

Retreat is a Benevolent Rest

Even a short period of retreat is a benevolent rest, a stepping outside of busy daily routines and our ordinary identity. Released from the tyranny...

You Are Not Alone

You are not alone. In fact, your life itself is only possible because of the thousands of generations before you, survivors who have carried the...

The Bodhisattva’s Path

The way of the bodhisattva is one of the most radical and powerful of all Buddhist forms of practice. It is radical because it states...

Open Your Heart

On December 5, my wife Trudy Goodman, Sharon Salzberg, and I celebrated the end of the Open Your Heart retreat we had been teaching with...

Noble Friendship

Then the venerable Ananda approached the Lord, prostrated himself and sat down to one side. Sitting there the venerable Ananda said to the Lord: “Half of...

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