Reclaiming Our Lost Sense of Self
How can our practice help us develop a healthy and full sense of self? How can we come to true self? There are several aspects...
How can our practice help us develop a healthy and full sense of self? How can we come to true self? There are several aspects...
Sit comfortably and quietly. Let your body rest easily. Breathe gently. Let go of your thoughts, past and future, memories and plans. Just be present....
Japan’s most beloved Zen poet, Ryokan, was known for being unpretentious and wise. Like Saint Francis he was a lover of simple things, of children...
As we let go and still see others suffer, the heart fills with compassion. So much suffering is human-caused. We awaken to a poignancy and...
The most treasured description of optimal mental health is the Four Radiant Abodes. These four radiant abodes are: loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity or peace....
The near enemy of equanimity is indifference or callousness. We may appear serene if we say, “I’m not attached. It doesn’t matter what happens anyway,...
A big, tough samurai once went to see a little monk. “Monk,” he said, in a voice accustomed to instant obedience, “teach me about heaven...
“A religion known for nonviolence is being used to fuel a genocidal campaign against the Muslims of Burma. Inside the coming, September 2014 Shambhala Sun,...
Jack sat down with Oprah on “SuperSoul Sunday” and answered the questions: What is Buddhism? How can it help your daily life? Is it a...
The teachings of Buddhism offer us a practical way to achieve the inner peace, fulfillment, and happiness that we all want. Buddhism is an informative...