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Right Understanding

The path of awakening begins with a step the Buddha called right understanding. Right understanding has two parts. To start with, it asks a question...

Karma, Intention & Wise Speech

People often struggle to understand karma. Karma is simply the law of cause and effect, and in our lives this law of cause and effect...

Awaken the Buddha Within

The karmic patterns that we create through our hearts transcend the limitations of time and space. To awaken the heart of compassion and wisdom in...

Video: Seeing Anew

Meditation can help us release old habits of mind and see life in a new way.

The Compass of the Heart

We hear the word karma all the time. I heard it on the radio in an advertisement for cars, “It’s Bob Bridge’s karma to sell...

The Heart’s Intention

Becoming aware of intention is the key to awakening in moment-to-moment practice. In each situation that calls for our engagement, some inner intention will precede...

Karma & Habit

In the ancient texts, karma is written as a compound word, karma-vipaka. Karma-vipaka means “action and result,” or what we call cause and effect. This...

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