Heart Wisdom – Ep. 246 – The Simplicity of Goodness
Jack Kornfield delves into the simplicity of goodness and virtue in a talk spanning Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Amma-ji, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Napoleon, and...
Jack Kornfield delves into the simplicity of goodness and virtue in a talk spanning Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Amma-ji, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Napoleon, and...
We can tune into the goodness of the world that’s not always featured in the news. This is an invitation to understand equanimity and to...
Envision a field of goodness—there are a billion acts of goodness happening in the world right now by parents, children, friends, teachers, nurses, doctors, artists,...
We can practice the awakening of sacred perception in our daily life, step-by-step. 1) Wait for a day when you awaken in a fine...