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You Must Be Present to Win

In spirituality, no matter what gate we enter or what form we practice, sooner or later obstacles arise.

Obstacles Are Part of the Path

When we examine our own minds we will inevitably encounter the root forces of greed, fear, prejudice, hatred, and desire, which create so much sorrow...

Enacting Mindfully

The fifth skillful means for working with difficulties is called Enacting It Mindfully. Let’s face it, we act out most of our desires anyway. In...

Your Difficulties Are Your Path

Grief and loss and suffering, even depression and spiritual crisis, the dark nights of the soul only worsen when we try to ignore or deny...

You Will Survive

One of the world’s greatest examples of how to survive difficult times is Nelson Mandela, the first president of modern South Africa. After twenty-seven years...

Turning Difficulties into Healing

In the Arthurian legends, the young knight Parsifal joins the Knights of the Round Table to seek the Holy Grail. His mentor, Gournamond, tells him that to...

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