Buddhist Psychology


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Vast Silence and Illumination (Part Two)

(Read Part One: Vast Silence and Illumination) Buddhist psychology offers a systematic training to open the mystical perspective by explaining how to develop states of...

Vast Silence and Illumination

Jhana states are two sets of stable states of absorption concentration and insight concentration outlined in Buddhist psychology.  These states are so central to the...

The Storytelling Mind

  When I first took robes and entered the monastic community of Ajahn Chah, I had already been practicing meditation for two years. Now, sitting...

Envision Liberation and Justice

(Read Part One: Envision Liberation and Justice) At a more sophisticated level, Buddhist psychology shows how training in mindfulness, integrity, generosity, and respect can create a...

The Primary Feelings

Buddhist psychology helps us distinguish two critical aspects of feeling.  The first and most essential quality is called the primary feeling.  According to this perspective,...

Suffering & Grace

“In a world of tension and breakdown it is necessary for there to be those who seek to integrate their inner lives not by avoiding...

Examining Thoughts

    Buddhist psychology helps us with two important tasks in working with thoughts. First it teaches us how to acknowledge the content of our...

The Heart’s Intention

Becoming aware of intention is the key to awakening in moment-to-moment practice. In each situation that calls for our engagement, some inner intention will precede...

Healthy Desire

Buddhist psychology teaches us to distinguish between the painful desire of addiction and driven ambition and the healthy energies of dedication and commitment. A dream...

The Fruits of Non-Identification

Buddhist psychology calls non-identification the abode of awakening, the end of clinging, true peace, nirvana. Without identification, we can respectfully care for ourselves and others,...

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