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Audio: The Bodhisattva Dharma Talk

“We are not separate, we are interdependent,” declared the Buddha. When the world is seen with the eyes of a bodhisattva, there is no I...

Forgiveness Repairs the World

Buddhist psychology offers specific teachings and practices for the development of forgiveness.  Like the practice of compassion, forgiveness does not ignore the truth of our...

Remembering Who You Are

“How amazing. All living beings have the Buddha nature of awakening and freedom, yet they do not realize this. Unknowingly they wander on the ocean...

Video: Generosity Dharma Talk

  https://vimeo.com/149467001 Notice how love, generosity, flexibility, ease, and simplicity are natural to us. These states are important to notice. They give us trust in...

Honesty and a Non-Contentious Heart

The Buddha’s teachings point to a non-contentious heart.  “There is gain and loss, slander and honor, praise and blame, pleasure and pain; the awakened ones...

Redemption and Forgiveness

“No one is forgotten. It is a lie, any talk of God that does not comfort you.” ~Meister Eckhart Milarepa, the most famous saint in...

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