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Remembering Who You Are

“How amazing. All living beings have the Buddha nature of awakening and freedom, yet they do not realize this. Unknowingly they wander on the ocean...

Awaken the Buddha Within

The karmic patterns that we create through our hearts transcend the limitations of time and space. To awaken the heart of compassion and wisdom in...

Honesty and a Non-Contentious Heart

The Buddha’s teachings point to a non-contentious heart.  “There is gain and loss, slander and honor, praise and blame, pleasure and pain; the awakened ones...

Redemption and Forgiveness

“No one is forgotten. It is a lie, any talk of God that does not comfort you.” ~Meister Eckhart Milarepa, the most famous saint in...

Noble Friendship

Then the venerable Ananda approached the Lord, prostrated himself and sat down to one side. Sitting there the venerable Ananda said to the Lord: “Half of...

Natural Joy (Part Two)

(Read Part One: Natural Joy)   When I returned to the United States and began to teach, my colleagues and I tended to emphasize the...

Difficulties and Hindrances

The Buddhist tradition speaks directly about the hindrances that are encountered in the course of the spiritual journey. Buddha said that those who conquer their...

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