Video: Mindful Respect Dharma Talk
Mindfulness practice begins by deliberately cultivating respect, starting with ourselves. When we learn to rest in our own goodness, we can see the goodness more...
Mindfulness practice begins by deliberately cultivating respect, starting with ourselves. When we learn to rest in our own goodness, we can see the goodness more...
Part of the process of meditation and spiritual practice is to come to rest in our being, to a center that is unshakable. It doesn’t...
We can tune into the goodness of the world that’s not always featured in the news. This is an invitation to understand equanimity and to...
Envision a field of goodness—there are a billion acts of goodness happening in the world right now by parents, children, friends, teachers, nurses, doctors, artists,...
We need something else. We need a whole other way of living with one another. Who you are is consciousness itself, is loving awareness. You’re...
The mind creates the abyss, and the heart crosses it.—Sri Nisargadatta When we carefully observe our thoughts, we discover that they are not in...
A number of the Buddhist texts begin with this phrase. ‘Oh nobly born, oh you who are the sons and daughters of the awakened ones,...
Robert Johnson, the noted Jungian analyst, acknowledges how difficult it is for many of us to believe in our goodness. We more easily take our... Notice how love, generosity, flexibility, ease, and simplicity are natural to us. These states are important to notice. They give us trust in...
The saints are what they are, not because their sanctity makes them admirable to others, but because the gift of sainthood makes it possible...
Then the venerable Ananda approached the Lord, prostrated himself and sat down to one side. Sitting there the venerable Ananda said to the Lord: “Half of...
Jack sat down with Oprah on “SuperSoul Sunday” and answered the questions: What is Buddhism? How can it help your daily life? Is it a...