Jack Kornfield delves into the simplicity of goodness and virtue in a talk spanning Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Amma-ji, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Napoleon, and Rumi.
“I believe within us, within the human heart and human consciousness, is an innate love of honesty and a joy in virtue, straightforwardness, and the simplicity of goodness.” – Jack Kornfield
In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:
- Buddhism, virtue, and the Five Precepts
- Ahimsa – the blessing of non-harming
- The chilling note Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche wrote when he escaped Tibet
- Taking a fearless moral inventory
- Honesty and the simplicity of goodness
- What Buddha learned in his past lives
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and standing up for truth
- Adi-Sila – spontaneous or innate virtue, the shining of the just heart
- The Tibetan Buddhist perspective on reincarnation
- Jack’s meeting with “hugging saint,” Amma-ji, archetype of the Divine Mother
- Finding your Buddha Nature, Tao, and Dharma
- Rumi’s brilliant poem about ducks
- Interdependence and connectedness
- Deep philosophical questions and contemplations from Jack
- Napoleon, the sword, and the spirit
“Meditation or spiritual life asks us to look at our actions and pay attention to how we actually live.” – Jack Kornfield
“We’re all in it together, we’re all connected, we all support one another.” – Jack Kornfield