Heart Wisdom – Ep. 208 – Way of the Bodhisattva

In this vintage Dharma Talk illuminating the Way of the Bodhisattva, Jack shares wisdom from St. Teresa of Calcutta, Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, Ajahn Chah, and Sueng Sahn on walking the spiritual path.

“The Dharma is something that becomes a personal thing for each one of us. And it’s expressed through our abilities, our vision, and our own particular skills.” – Jack Kornfield

In this vintage episode from 1977, Jack mindfully illuminates:
  • The selfless service, love, and wisdom of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta
  • Elizabeth Kübler-Ross’s unshakeable compassion and revolutionary work around death and dying
  • How his teacher Ajahn Chah’s Thai monastery was an island of peace and possibility amidst war and conflict
  • What the story of Korean Zen Master, Seung Sahn, getting a job at a laundry mat teaches us about non-attachment to self
  • Compassion, the spiritual path, and the Way of the Bodhisattva

“The power that a human being who’s really committed to truth and love has to transform people around them is quite remarkable.” – Jack Kornfield

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