Heart Wisdom – Ep. 184 – Listening to Find the Way

Uncovering how to live with a peaceful heart, Jack maps the inner landscapes of meditation, and shares how we can use listening to find The Way.

“A peaceful heart is not a withdrawal from life, but rather coming back into ourselves to remember the place that neither grasps nor judges and hates.” – Jack Kornfield

In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:
  • What it means to live with a peaceful heart
  • Moving beyond the grasping of attachment and aversion
  • Living in the world from a place of wisdom
  • The inner landscapes of meditation
  • Greed, hatred, delusion, and revenge
  • Interdependence, connection, and Bodhicitta
  • Impermanence and the wisdom of insecurity
  • The Goddess of Peace and the Goddess of Justice
  • Wise response and transmuting suffering
  • Bodhisattvas and compassion
  • Buddha and the boundless infinity of love
  • Listening to embody The Way

“Your heart is trustworthy when you listen to it.” – Jack Kornfield

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