[Video] Becoming the Light: Nurturing the Field of Well-Being
In this talk, I invite you to cultivate the luminous heart within, reminding you that well-being is not something to chase—it is your natural state....
In this talk, I invite you to cultivate the luminous heart within, reminding you that well-being is not something to chase—it is your natural state....
In these current times, it’s so important to take time to recharge and recalibrate—to unwind the body, relax the mind, and open the heart. That’s...
What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do...
In this world we deal with loss and difficulty—there’s climate change, continuing racism, injustice, refugees suffering around the world, and our growing cultural anxiety. One...
We are living in wild times. I have been shocked and concerned by the ramifications of many of our new governmental policies. In the midst of...
The children’s Bodhisattva, Mr. Rogers, describes how his mother taught him to see the disasters of the world in a new way. Instead of focusing...
Spiritual life is not about possessing or finding security, but rather it’s discovering what Alan Watts called the Wisdom of Insecurity – the capacity for...
What you most deeply long for is who you are, is coming back to your own heart, to your own beauty, your own wellbeing that...
When we gaze over at another in a simple way and see them with the eyes of wisdom, we’re reminded that it’s a bigger and...
One December, the Western monks at my Thai teacher Ajahn Chah’s Western forest monastery decided to put up a Christmas tree. The villagers who built...
We are at a major time of change on this earth, what JoAnna Macy calls ‘The Great Turning.’ This opportunity asks if we as a...
The first step in working with difficult energies is to see them clearly, using the power of mindfulness, of loving awareness.