How Buddhist Monks Celebrate Christmas

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Happy holidays dear ones,

In the spirit of this season of generosity and kindness, I share with you a short, heartwarming story:

One December, the Western monks at my Thai teacher Ajahn Chah’s Western forest monastery decided to put up a Christmas tree. The villagers who built and served the monastery got upset and came to Ajahn Chah to complain. They said, “We have devoted ourselves to building and supporting a forest monastery for the Western monks, and now they’re having a Christmas celebration. It doesn’t seem right to us.”

Ajahn Chah reflected and then said, “Well, in the simple way I have been told, Christmas is a holiday that celebrates the birth of goodwill and the spirit of generosity and kindness. As far as I’m concerned that is beneficial for all. It is very much in the spirit of the teaching of Buddhism. But since you are concerned, the monks won’t celebrate Christmas anymore. Instead, we will call it ChrisBuddhamas.” They all laughed and with that, the villagers were content and went back home.

Ajahn Chah taught us to be kind and flexible, “The point is to learn how to let go and be free, how to be happy.” This story is a reminder not to cling to ideals but to follow the path of kindness and respect. The Middle Path is one of balance and care, where the heart’s natural awareness and practical compassion can grow. Through this, we become gracious and free.

May the spirit of the season bring the same renewal of generosity and kindness into your life.

With metta,

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