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Envision Liberation and Justice

(Read Part One: Envision Liberation and Justice) At a more sophisticated level, Buddhist psychology shows how training in mindfulness, integrity, generosity, and respect can create a...

The Primary Feelings

Buddhist psychology helps us distinguish two critical aspects of feeling.  The first and most essential quality is called the primary feeling.  According to this perspective,...

The Place of Forgiveness

Inevitably in working with the mixed difficulties of communities, teachers, and ourselves, we will be asked for a certain measure of forgiveness. Forgiveness does not...

End of Clinging

“Just so, Anajnda, in one who contemplates the enjoyment of all things that make for clinging, craving arises; through craving, clinging is conditioned; through clinging,...

Your Difficulties Are Your Path

Grief and loss and suffering, even depression and spiritual crisis, the dark nights of the soul only worsen when we try to ignore or deny...

Open to Vastness

You’ve had many tastes of the ever-present mystery of life when you’ve fallen in love or been present at the birth of a child, or...

You Will Survive

One of the world’s greatest examples of how to survive difficult times is Nelson Mandela, the first president of modern South Africa. After twenty-seven years...

Concentration of Mind

Out of a foundation of conscious conduct, the first steps of the mindful way, grows the second aspect of the path, which is called the...

Tending the Garden

When we are willing to rest with trust on this earth, the great force of life will begin to move through us. I saw this...

The Bird in the Trap

A certain man caught a bird in a trap. The bird says, “Sire, you have eaten many cows and sheep in your life, and you’re...

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