Where Does the Eightfold Path Go?

Where Does the Eightfold Path Go?

People ask, if the Eightfold Path is a path, where does it go? And the answer is, the path doesn’t go from here to there, it goes from there to here. It takes us from being lost, to coming back to the freedom of wisdom and love just where we are. The Buddha says, “Just as the four great oceans have but one taste, the taste of salt, so do all of my teachings have but one taste, the taste of freedom.” That taste of freedom is available for you. It is an invitation to wellbeing and a loving heart, awakened exactly where you are. In that sense, the old “be here now” thing turns out to be quite true. Where else could you be?

The first verse of the beloved text the Dhammapada begins, “Mind and heart are the forerunner of all things. If you speak and act with a pure heart and pure mind, happiness follows you as closely as your own shadow.” This is part of the first steps on the Eightfold Path, Wise Understanding and Wise Intention. Then, follows Wise Speech, Wise Action, Wise Meditation. The Eightfold Path teaches us how we can practice bringing the teachings alive wherever we are.

When we look honestly, our human incarnation has ever-changing pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, gain and loss, praise and blame, birth and death, fame and disrepute. This is the way that it is, outer circumstances will constantly change. What the Eightfold Path shows us is how freedom is found amidst all these changes.

Zen Master Suzuki Roshi explains, “When you realize the fact that everything changes and find your composure in it, there you find yourself in nirvana.” When you realize the inevitable impermanence of all things and you relax, you can rest your heart in loving-kindness rather than fears and attachments, and you will find yourself tasting inner freedom and joy not dependent on outside circumstances.

The Good News by Thich Nhat Hanh:

They don’t publish
the good news.
The good news is published
by us.
We have a special edition every moment,
and we need you to read it.
The good news is that you are alive,
and the linden tree is still there,
standing firm in the harsh Winter.
The good news is that you have wonderful eyes
to touch the blue sky.
The good news is that your child is there before you,
and your arms are available:
hugging is possible.
They only print what is wrong.
Look at each of our special editions.
We always offer the things that are not wrong.
We want you to benefit from them
and help protect them.
The dandelion is there by the sidewalk,
smiling its wondrous smile,
singing the song of eternity.
Listen! You have ears that can hear it.
Bow your head.
Listen to it.
Leave behind the world of sorrow
and preoccupation
and get free.
The latest good news
is that you can do it.

– Thich Nhat Hanh

This is the good news – you can do it! What this ancient and alive Eightfold Path represents, is that no matter the circumstances, there is always a path to freedom for those who desire liberation and lasting happiness. Taught by the Buddha thousands of years ago, it’s an honor and a joy to continue to walk this path together. 


*P.S. If you are interested in Walking the Eightfold Path with Jack Kornfield, join him in this new enlightening online journey!*

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