[Video] Heart Wisdom – Ep. 270 – Ritual as a Language and Gateway to the Heart with Thomas Hübl, PhD

Jack and Thomas explore how ritual serves as a powerful language for opening the heart and living joyfully through life’s challenges.

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“Ritual and symbol become a gateway back to the heart to our deep connection. When we have that in spiritual life, things open up in a different way.” – Jack Kornfield

In Part 1 of this episode originally airing for Dr. Hübl’s ‘Spiritual Healing Journey Summit,’ Jack and Thomas mindfully explore:
  • How to live joyfully through difficult times
  • Finding the wonder of “everyday grace”
  • Reducing suffering through spiritual practice
  • Western Psychology and Eastern Spirituality
  • Interconnection and opening to the great web of being
  • Relational mindfulness and communal mindfulness
  • Ritual as a language and gateway to the heart
  • How to talk with nature and speak for the trees
  • The transformation of having true mentors and guides
  • Service, activism, and navigating burnout
  • Paying attention and listening to each other and nature

“The nuclear waste of what you’ve been through can burn in some way that it becomes the fuel for energy and light. It gets transformed in the reactor of the heart and you have a power now.” – Jack Kornfield

“No amount of nanotechnology, A.I., space technology, or biotechnology is going to save us. Because the source of hatred, war, racism, conflict, exploitation, and climate disruption is in the human heart. That’s where it starts and where it grows from. Therefore, the outer developments which are becoming really remarkable have to be matched by the inner developments of humanity.” – Jack Kornfield

About Thomas Hübl, PhD:

Thomas Hübl, PhD, is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator who works within the complexity of systems and cultural change, integrating the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science. Since the early 2000s, he has led large-scale events and courses on the healing of collective trauma.

He is the author of Attuned: Practicing Interdependence to Heal Our Trauma—and Our World and Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds. He has served as an advisor and guest faculty for universities and organizations, as a coach for CEOs and organizational leaders, and is currently a visiting scholar at the Wyss Institute at Harvard University. For more info, books, podcast, and upcoming offerings, please visit thomashuebl.com

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