present moment


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Enacting Mindfully

Another means for working with difficulties is called Enacting It Mindfully. Let’s face it, we act out most of our desires anyway. In this way,...


Spiritual Awakening is found in the here and now. In the Zen tradition they say, “After the ecstasy, the laundry.” Spiritual maturity manifests itself in...

Open to Vastness

You’ve had many tastes of the ever-present mystery of life when you’ve fallen in love or been present at the birth of a child, or...

A Sitting Meditation

To begin meditation, select a quiet time and place. Be seated on a cushion or chair, taking an erect yet relaxed posture. Let yourself sit...

Freedom Here and Now

The radiant abodes express the fruit of mental development. When they are in balance, loving-kindness, compassion, and joy rest in an unshakable equanimity. This peace...


Spiritual Awakening is found in the here and now. In the Zen tradition they say, “After the ecstasy, the laundry.” Spiritual maturity manifests itself in...

Attitudes Toward Altered States

The following passage is taken from, “A Path With Heart: A Guide Through The Perils And Promises of Spiritual Life” Before we can understand non-ordinary...

The Beginner's Guide to Buddhism

With a rich history stretching back over 2,500 years, Buddhism has been described both as a system of psychology and a philosophy for living. Yet...

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