Healing the Heart
Just as we open and heal the body by sensing its rhythms and touching it with a deep and kind attention, so we can open...
Just as we open and heal the body by sensing its rhythms and touching it with a deep and kind attention, so we can open...
We all need healing at different times in our lives. Sometimes we need healing for physical illness. At other times, we need to heal the...
In a healthy response to pain and fear, we establish awareness before it becomes anger. We can train ourselves to notice the gap between the...
May you be held in compassion. To cultivate compassion, let yourself sit in a centered and quiet way. In this traditional form of practice you...
On this episode of Heart Wisdom, Jack talks about leadership, nobility, and love. American presidents George Washington and Lincoln are used as examples of men...
Jack offers tales of tenderness that remind us of the qualities of faith and compassion which move us in the direction of freedom. What resources...
How can our practice help us develop a healthy and full sense of self? How can we come to true self? There are several aspects...
Buddhist psychology offers specific teachings and practices for the development of forgiveness. Like the practice of compassion, forgiveness does not ignore the truth of our...
Finding a way to extend forgiveness to ourselves is one of our most essential tasks. Just as others have been caught in suffering, so have...
Inevitably in working with the mixed difficulties of communities, teachers, and ourselves, we will be asked for a certain measure of forgiveness. Forgiveness does not...
Grief and loss and suffering, even depression and spiritual crisis, the dark nights of the soul only worsen when we try to ignore or deny...
Sit comfortably and quietly. Let your body rest easily. Breathe gently. Let go of your thoughts, past and future, memories and plans. Just be present....