The Heart’s Intention
Becoming aware of intention is the key to awakening in moment-to-moment practice. In each situation that calls for our engagement, some inner intention will precede...
Becoming aware of intention is the key to awakening in moment-to-moment practice. In each situation that calls for our engagement, some inner intention will precede...
This is a second principle for releasing repeated patterns-Open to a Full Awareness of the Feelings. It is the feeling level that controls most of...
“How amazing. All living beings have the Buddha nature of awakening and freedom, yet they do not realize this. Unknowingly they wander on the ocean...
The art of living is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each...
Contemplating the perfections of the Buddha (such as generosity, morality, concentration, loving-kindness, and wisdom) and investigating the ways in which he developed these qualities may...
Embracing the Feminine in Buddhism I am seated at Spirit Rock with two of the new generation of American nuns, delightfully wise and courageous and...
Jack Kornfield’s A Path with Heart has been acclaimed as the most significant book yet about American Buddhism—a definitive guide to the practice of traditional...
The teachings of Buddhism offer us a practical way to achieve the inner peace, fulfillment, and happiness that we all want. Buddhism is an informative...
At the heart of all Buddhist wisdom lies one astonishing truth: a way out of suffering and into a more deeply fulfilling life is not...
The Buddha said many times that just as the great oceans have but one taste, so do all the true teachings of the dharma: the...
The Buddha promised his students that a way out of suffering and into a more deeply fulfilling life is not a myth, but a reality...