Heart Wisdom – Ep. 258 – Enlightenment as Intimacy: Where We’re Going is Here

Speaking to progressing on the spiritual path, Jack explores enlightenment as true intimacy, and shares how: where we’re going is actually here.

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“Where we’re going is here, and what we’re after doesn’t exist in time.” – Jack Kornfield

In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:
  • Our idealistic/romantic notions of the spiritual path
  • Consciousness, impermanence, and working with human emotions
  • Wisdom stories of Ajahn Chah, Jack’s accomplished Thai meditation teacher
  • Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the legend of building a Spiritual Amusement Park
  • Progress and patience along the spiritual path
  • Enlightenment as intimacy with all things
  • A guided meditation practice reflecting on life, death, and good deeds
  • Transforming the the world with one small act of kindness at a time
  • Honoring our own beauty and goodness
  • How compassion is characterized by true intimacy
  • Recognizing and coming to our spiritual maturity
  • Living like a Bodhisattva, and what it really means to ‘save all beings’
  • Alchemizing extreme suffering, trauma, and grief into compassion, forgiveness, and service

“Enlightenment is to be intimate with what’s here.” – Jack Kornfield

This Dharma Talk was originally recorded on 1/3/1991 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.
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