Heart Wisdom – Ep. 180 – One Dharma with Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein

Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, and Joseph Goldstein explore the emergence of Western Buddhism and balancing faith with wisdom.

In this episode Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, and Joseph Goldstein touch on:

  • The formation of the Insight Meditation Society
  • The emergence of Western Buddhism
  • The balance of faith and wisdom 
  • Starting small with meditation
  • Being the product of our conditioning
  • Having compassion for the human predicament 

“In the Buddhist tradition it’s said that one of the prayers one might make is: May I be born in circumstances that I may experience the Dharma that will bring me to awaken the heart of boundless compassion and discover inner freedom.” – Jack Kornfield

“That kind of questioning which isn’t cynical and isn’t arrogant but is really wondering, really wanting to know the truth for oneself, I think of as an essential component of faith.” – Sharon Salzberg

“Even in those first few minutes, what I discovered was there was a way to look into the mind as well as looking out through it. To me that was revelatory.” – Joseph Goldstein

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