The Wisdom of Insecurity: Awakening in Every Moment
Spiritual life is not about possessing or finding security, but rather it’s discovering what Alan Watts called the Wisdom of Insecurity – the capacity for...
Spiritual life is not about possessing or finding security, but rather it’s discovering what Alan Watts called the Wisdom of Insecurity – the capacity for...
Deeply unveiling the Buddha’s transformative miracle of awakening, Jack provides a comprehensive guide to finding freedom in everyday life.
Who are we? We get lost in our phones, in our to-do lists. But what if you look up at the night sky? What if...
We have within us an extraordinary capacity for love, joy, and unshakable freedom. Dipa Ma demonstrated this to me.
Leaning into the qualities of an awakened heart, Jack teaches us the perfection of truthfulness and how it will set us free. There is a...
In this “Heart Wisdom” podcast episode we discuss the process of awakening, life’s 10,000 joys and sorrows, and what role time and the present moment...
When I first entered the monasteries in Thailand and Burma, I was taught everything is anicca (impermanent), dukkha (unsatisfactory), and anatta (no-self). The reason these...
Hold yourself as a mother holds her beloved child. —Buddha We are so quick to judge one another. And just as we are hard on...
Dear ones, The year ends and we begin a new circuit around our own beautiful sun star, twirling amidst the galaxies. Take a breath, quiet...
On this episode we explore: Jack’s experience as a young man traveling to become a monk in Southeast Asia. The nature of awakening and ways...
As your spacious heart opens, you can rediscover the vast perspective you’d almost forgotten. A spacious heart reveals the spacious mind. This is the mind...
Even in the most difficult times, it is possible to see something much bigger. We need to be able to envision another world—a world that...