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Fear and Anger

Aversion, anger, and hatred are states of mind that strike against experience, pushing it away, rejecting what is presented in the moment. They do not...

Learning from Doubt

When we learn about doubt in meditation, we can then learn to face doubt wisely in our life. Here’s how to start: begin by looking...

Fearing Death

If you understand—things are just as they are. If you do not understand—things are just as they are. —Zen saying From the universal perspective, all...

“The blues is the truth.”

In a healthy response to pain and fear, we establish awareness before it becomes anger. We can train ourselves to notice the gap between the...

Balancing What is Reactive

What is it that is reactive? Our minds are reactive: liking and disliking, judging and comparing, clinging and condemning. Our minds are like a balance scale, and...

Moving Toward Freedom

Learning takes place only in a mind that is innocent and vulnerable.—Krishnamurti There are four principles for mindful transformation of difficulties, poetically articulated by Michele...

Obstacles Are Part of the Path

When we examine our own minds we will inevitably encounter the root forces of greed, fear, prejudice, hatred, and desire, which create so much sorrow...

End of Clinging

“Just so, Anajnda, in one who contemplates the enjoyment of all things that make for clinging, craving arises; through craving, clinging is conditioned; through clinging,...

Developing a Healing Attention

Sit comfortably and quietly. Let your body rest easily. Breathe gently. Let go of your thoughts, past and future, memories and plans. Just be present....

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