Heart Wisdom – Ep. 192 – Spirituality and Sexuality (Part 2)

Plunging further into last week’s topic, Jack offers vulnerable perspectives on how sexuality and relationships play into our life and practice.

“If one wants to understand karma, or one wants to understand virtue, ethics, or morality—which are equally important and profound in developing a spiritual life—the way to do it is very simple: it’s beginning to know, observe, feel, and understand what’s going on in our hearts as we act.” – Jack Kornfield

In this episode, Jack vulnerably explores:
  • Understanding karma, virtue, intention and action
  • How so much of our sadhana and practice comes through our relationships
  • Learning about ourselves and the universe through sex and relationship
  • Sex and relationship as a form of opening and surrender, as well as commitment, offering, acceptance, growth, and healing
  • Desire, grasping, reality, love, and the present moment
  • Relationships as a place to find the foundations of mindfulness
  • The nature of love as expression, growth, and unity

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The poet Mary Oliver writes, “To live in this world, you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go.” This is our dance, our human incarnation: to tend and love that which is ephemeral.

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