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After the Ecstasy, the Laundry
When does enlightenment come? At the end of the spiritual journey? Or the beginning? On After the Ecstasy, the Laundry, Jack Kornfield—author of the modern classic on American Buddhism, A Path with Heart—brings into focus the truth about satori, the awakened state of consciousness, and enlightenment practices today.
- Category: Audio Sets
- Tags: audio book, Enlightenment, Spiritual Path, Wisdom, zen
“Perfect enlightenment” appears in many texts, Kornfield begins. But how is it viewed among Western teachers and practitioners? To find out, Kornfield talked to more than 100 Zen masters, rabbis, nuns, lamas, monks, and senior meditation students from all walks of life.
The result is this extraordinary look at the hard work we all must do—the laundry—no matter how often we experience ecstatic states of consciousness through meditation and other disciplines.