The Colorings of Consciousness
Consciousness is colored by the states that visit it.—Buddha “Eh,” my teacher Ajahn Chah would peer at me when I was having a hard time,...
Consciousness is colored by the states that visit it.—Buddha “Eh,” my teacher Ajahn Chah would peer at me when I was having a hard time,...
How can we cultivate the qualities of mindful loving awareness? How do we listen to the pulse of the world? How do we listen to...
This human world is sometimes called the desire realm because so much of it runs on desire and wanting. How to relate wisely with desire...
Imperfections are part of the display of life. Joy and sorrow, birth and death are the dance of existence throughout which our awakened consciousness can...
It is one thing to study the texts or to do various practices or come on a retreat to learn the Dharma tradition, but the...
The invitation of mindfulness and loving awareness is really to be alive and present here on this earth and in this life in a wakeful...
From the beginning in Buddhist psychology, compassion and awareness are what went together. In order to be present for experience there has to be some...
Whether it shows outwardly or is held inwardly, we all inevitably will face difficulty and suffering in life. Adhiṭṭhāna, one of the 10 pāramitās or...
Loving-awareness allows a profound shift of identity from a small limited sense of self to one of spacious wisdom. Exploring questions about freedom and identity...
Inner development is needed to address some of our species biggest issues like warfare, racism, and addiction. To do this we must practice Right Effort...
Jack delivers a talk on how identity leads us to suffer and shares the Buddha’s path towards freedom from that suffering. The Buddha’s teachings are...
On December 5, my wife Trudy Goodman, Sharon Salzberg, and I celebrated the end of the Open Your Heart retreat we had been teaching with...