loving awareness


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The Colorings of Consciousness

Consciousness is colored by the states that visit it.—Buddha “Eh,” my teacher Ajahn Chah would peer at me when I was having a hard time,...

Naming the Wanting Mind

This human world is sometimes called the desire realm because so much of it runs on desire and wanting. How to relate wisely with desire...

The Tyranny of Perfection

Imperfections are part of the display of life. Joy and sorrow, birth and death are the dance of existence throughout which our awakened consciousness can...

Audio: Mindful Loving Awareness

The invitation of mindfulness and loving awareness is really to be alive and present here on this earth and in this life in a wakeful...

Heart Wisdom – Ep. 67 – Who Am I?

Loving-awareness allows a profound shift of identity from a small limited sense of self to one of spacious wisdom. Exploring questions about freedom and identity...

Open Your Heart

On December 5, my wife Trudy Goodman, Sharon Salzberg, and I celebrated the end of the Open Your Heart retreat we had been teaching with...

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