You Will Survive
One of the world’s greatest examples of how to survive difficult times is Nelson Mandela, the first president of modern South Africa. After twenty-seven years...
One of the world’s greatest examples of how to survive difficult times is Nelson Mandela, the first president of modern South Africa. After twenty-seven years...
In attempting to draw light into our lives, we inevitably encounter the intrinsic darkness that surrounds our existence. Our task, as honorable beings, is to...
Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes, and as human beings we are all vulnerable to its potential effects. But how can we meet trauma...
The last aspect of mindful healing is awareness of the universal laws that govern life. Central to it is an understanding of emptiness. This is most...
In the Arthurian legends, the young knight Parsifal joins the Knights of the Round Table to seek the Holy Grail. His mentor, Gournamond, tells him that to...
The art of living is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each...
by Diane Williams When the path ahead is unknown and may even appear menacing, how do we move forward with courage? Is it possible not...
The teachings of Buddhism offer us a practical way to achieve the inner peace, fulfillment, and happiness that we all want. Buddhism is an informative...
Meditation brings you into a deep communion with your own body and heart, but what happens when you are sick or in pain? With Guided...