Ajahn Chah


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Necessary Healing

Wise spiritual practice requires that we actively address the pain and conflict of our life in order to come to inner harmony. Without including the...

The Wisdom of Insecurity

We can plan, we can care for, tend and respond. But we cannot control. Instead we take a breath, and open to what is unfolding,...

Mindfulness of Feelings

Feelings are ever-present. They are a mysterious and rich dimension of our human life. But without mindfulness of them we can react automatically, habitually clinging...

Courage of the Heart

Very often what nourishes our spirit most is what brings us face to face with our greatest limitations and difficulties. Every life has periods and...

The Wisdom of Not Knowing

Wisdom is not knowing but being. The Christian mystics instructed seekers to enter the Cloud of Unknowing with a trusting heart. The wise heart is...

Identification with Self

One of the deepest and most demanding aspects of Buddhist psychology is the experience of non-self. Ajahn Chah said, “You have to consider and contemplate...

Awaken the One Who Knows

As your spacious heart opens, you can rediscover the vast perspective you’d almost forgotten. A spacious heart reveals the spacious mind. This is the mind...

Stop the War Within

  We human beings are constantly in combat, at war to escape the fact of being so limited, limited by so many circumstances we cannot...

Fear and Anger

Aversion, anger, and hatred are states of mind that strike against experience, pushing it away, rejecting what is presented in the moment. They do not...

The Colorings of Consciousness

Consciousness is colored by the states that visit it.—Buddha “Eh,” my teacher Ajahn Chah would peer at me when I was having a hard time,...

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